Brewing Change Together

Mad Beans: Brewing Change Together.

Mad Beans, a brand redefining coffee, is on a mission beyond profit, deeply committed to giving back to the communities it serves. Mad Beans aims to measure success not just in financial gains but by the difference it makes. From ethically sourced beans to to innovatively up-cycling waste, and pledging 50% of its profits to giving back, it embraces a role in creating a better world.

Reinvesting in Communities:

Mad Beans echoes its commitment by pledging to reinvest 50% of profits into the community, and all these investments will be transparently listed here. This philosophy recognizes the connection between business success and community well-being.

Although Mad Beans is at the initial stages of its journey, the company deems it crucial to emphasise its commitment to charitable endeavors. In this spirit, Mad Beans has initiated its business by making donations to the following charities:

  • Focus Ireland
  • Alone 

This list will be regularly updated throughout the year, to maintain a high level of transparency.

In a world often focused on the bottom line, Mad Beans stands out as a beacon of social responsibility. Choosing Mad Beans isn't just savoring exceptional coffee; it's joining a narrative where profit is a force for good. The philosophy is clear: brew good, do good, and make a lasting impact on the communities served. At Mad Beans, it's about more than just beans; it's about people and the pursuit of a better future.

For more info Contact Us